I have specified parameters for external application for Proe in protk.dat file. If I register this application through Tools>Auxiliary application>Register>Start it works perfect. But I want to start it automatically when Proe starts.
Show Quoted Text In you protk.dat file, you should have something similiar as below. Without the startup option defined, Pro wont start it automatically even if you define where the .dat file is located in the option
try this- put that protkdat file in your c:\\pro_settings directory and nowhere else. Now in your file located in the start-up directory put the line protkdat c:\\pro_settings\\protk.dat Also in the protk.dat file remove the delay_start line and see what happens.
PTC Pro/ENGINEER finds this add-in based on the information in a file called protk.dat. The file contains the path to the COMSOL installation (in two locations). The COMSOL installer places this file in a folder relative to the PTC Pro/ENGINEER installation folder, which you have specified during installation of LiveLink for PTC Pro/ENGINEER. This folder is typically:
In case you are missing the protk.dat file, you can download it below. After editing it, place the file in the appropriate folder as outlined above, and rename the file to protk.dat. If you have other add-ins defined in a protk.dat file in the mentioned location, you need to append the information about the add-in to the existing file. This also includes other COMSOL add-ins.
Extend your existing (Creo Parametric Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 installation/.../text/) with the key protkdat. This contains the path to the protkdat file, which can be found in the \"iface\" interface directory.
PTC Creo Parametric finds this add-in based on the information in a file called protk.dat. The file contains the path to the COMSOL installation (in two locations). The COMSOL installer places this file in a folder relative to the Common Folder of the PTC Creo Parametric installation, which you have specified during installation of LiveLink for PTC Creo Parametric. This folder is typically:
To enable the plugin in Creo or Pro/E, you must manually update the contents of protk.dat, a registry file. If you store this file outside of the Creo or Pro/E root and startup folders, you must also update the contents of, a configuration file. If you have not done so, download and install the Simscape Multibody Link plugin before continuing.
Suppose you saved your .dat registry file as myprotk.dat in the folder C:/Users/jdoe/Documents/Creo. Here is the code you must add to your file:toolkit_registry_file C:/Users/jdoe/Documents/Creo/myprotk.dat 59ce067264